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Around Downtown in 8 Days is a new twist on storytelling, and a digital twist on the idea of geo caching. Beginning at the Fort Vancouver Regional Library in downtown Vancouver, participants are encouraged to pick up "passports" and collect stamps from various businesses in the downtown area. The passports can be turned in for a prize drawing on the evening of August 6th at Kiggins Theatre during a live storytelling event that focuses on Jules Verne's story, Around the World in 80 Days.


Participating businesses will be indicated by travel posters from each of the legs of Passepartout's journey around the world. These posters will be augmented with a digital overlay of images, text, and sound that can only be experienced through the Aurasma app. Our use of augmented reality and location based gaming allows for a completely new story telling experience, and we look forward to getting the entire community involved.


Follow us on Twitter @8DaysDowntown or join the Facebook event for updates and more information, and please join us on August 6th at Kiggins Theatre for the live show.



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